Fish and Wildlife from both Oregon and Washington met on Wednesday, May 24th, 2023, and decided to add a few more days to the Columbia River spring salmon fishing season. That’s right, the Columbia River salmon fishing extension is here.
Fishing will continue through Thursday, June 4th, a week from Sunday. Same rules apply as before, and the extension is only on the Columbia River below Bonneville Dam.
Biologists were estimating the upriver salmon run might reach 198,600. Now they are forecasting it will be closer to 153,000!
That’s still is more than enough spring chinook salmon to allow additional fishing on the Columbia River.
The Columbia River has been running higher than normal and even a little cooler, making fishing a little tough, and this definitely slowed the catch down.
With the Columbia being so high and fast, your best opportunity for fishing will be anchor fishing and generally running Kwikfish or a small spinner.
The Willamette River will continue to stay open for salmon fishing seven days a week. The Columbia is backing into the lower Willamette, giving the lower Willamette very little current. Here you’re your best bet for fishing is generally trolling a spinner, or maybe a Super Bait, or a Spin Fish on a 360 flasher.

Salmon lying on the deck of the boat with a 360 flasher and a spinner.
Marvin’s Guide Service has a few days open for both the Willamette and Columbia River spring chinook salmon.
Get in touch with Marvin’s Guide Service by filling out this form.
You could check out Bonneville Dam Fish counts here.
Last Updated on by Marvin