Have you been dreaming about catching a big walleye? Well dream no more!
In May, Marvin’s Guide Service will start walleye fishing trips on the Columbia River for the 2024 season. Now, if you like fish tacos, you will love walleye. In my opinion, walleye fillets probably make the best fish taco the Columbia River has to offer. Of course, walleye is delicious deep fried also.
Marvin’s Guide Service offers walleye fishing on the beautiful Columbia River between The Dalles and Rufus, Oregon, in the breathtaking Columbia River Gorge.
One of our favorite boat launches, where we most often meet clients to fish walleye, is called Celilo Park.
Walleye fishing generally offers plenty of action, as there is a lot of bycatches, like bass and perch. Generally, we let all bass and perch go.
Fishing for walleye can be extremely fun, as it’s done on light tackle.
The majority of walleye weight 2 or 3 pounds, but it is not uncommon to catch a big 8-to-10-pound walleye. I generally recommend letting the big walleye go as they are females that lay the eggs that keep this fishery going strong. The smaller, more common walleye are the best for eating anyway.
One of my favorite ways to fish for walleye is trolling a spinner blade with a worm harness. Trolling for walleye, you can cover lots of ground and pinpoint where the fish are hanging out. As soon as we hook a walleye, I mark the spot on my GPS. That allows me to troll our lines over that exact location again, because generally there will be more than one walleye in that spot.
Marvin’s Guide Service will filet all of your walleye for you and put the meat into zip lock bags.
Call Marvin’s Guide Service today and talk to me about a trip. You might also be interested in our sturgeon and walleye fishing combo days.

Last Updated on by Marvin