First of all I would like to tell everybody Happy New Year!
Now it’s time to talk about winter sturgeon fishing!
Above Bonneville Dam is open 7 days a week for Sturgeon, this is a very good time to put some Sturgeon in your freezer!
I don’t expect the season to last until February So call and get your day booked. Don’t worry, if we cant make it up the gorge because of bad weather, we can find plenty of Sturgeon on the Columbia River by the airport.
February the Willamette River will open for Sturgeon, you may keep Sturgeon Thursday Friday and Saturdays only on the Willamette River.This Too will be a short season. Call now and get your Willamette River Sturgeon fishing trip booked.
Don’t worry about the cold, we will as always be fishing out of a covered and heated boat.
I have some great winter rates, so call me and lets talk!
Wishing all of you the best and hope to see you all soon.
Thank you
Marvin Henkel
Marvin’s Guide Service
Last Updated on by Marvin