Portland Or fishing report 5/7/23 With flows increasing on the Columbia River the last few days, Willamette River has risen drastically. I usually call this Lake Willamette. But with that said, salmon fishing has really improved. I have been fishing the lower Willamette River by the head of the channel.
If you’re interested in knowing the Columbia River flows, you can check them out here.
Salmon have been caught regularly using herring, some guys are preferring prawn spinners. Myself I’ve had decent luck using a 360 flasher. And a Super Bait. I look for salmon fishing to continue to improve in the next week and get better and better. It’s definitely having me excited.
Oregon city has been producing salmon using jet divers and eggs, and jet divers in shrimp. Salmon having averaging about 10 to 18 pounds with an occasional bigger one being taken. Just a reminder, you may only harvest hatchery, chinook salmon all. Wild salmon must be let go immediately.
If you’re fishing in Portland OR with Marvin’s guide service, one of my favorite trips to do is a salmon, sturgeon combo.
However, sturgeon is catching release. sturgeon has been having plenty of Action with Sturgeon ranging anywhere between 3 and 5 feet long.
Marvin’s guide service will start his walleye fishing trips on the Columbia River in middle of May.
Call us today and talk to us about salmon sturgeon or walleye. I’d be happy to hook you up.
Chinook salmon caught on the Willamette River laying on the deck of boat.
Last Updated on by Marvin